Friday, January 7, 2011

The Game is On! GO A-Team

So I tried the go-it-alone approach, and to be wasn't that great. Even with supportive comments and calls from my friends and readers of the I've taken a new tact...a CAGE MATCH OF FITNESS...

That's right we're in an all out brawl of healthly living. I read a book...The Game On Diet by Krista Vernoff. Before I get into the book, let me be clear about one thing, the author is a TV writer, the head writer as a matter of fact for Grey's Anatomy. I'll put it this way...if I was a kid, and used language like she does, I'd have eaten plenty of soap.

Now back to the meat of the book...

I think most of us have taken part of some sort of weight loss competition. Let's see who can lose the most weight, or who can lose the biggest percentage of weight. The question that always the best thing? Should weight loss be the biggest concern in fitness? Or should your fitness goal be based on Fitness. Especially with Isabelle Caro in the news lately, the model who died of anorexia, we're all aware that simple weight loss is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal should be a healthy fit body and a healthy lifestyle.

The book, proposes a competition, fitness competition based on a healthy life rather than simple weight loss. It takes place over 6 weeks and is designed to change living habits. The problem you'll find with Jenny Craig, or Nutrisystem is that while they may be effective, they don't teach you anything about healthy living so in order to maintain the progress that you make while on the plans, you must stay on those plans, indefinitely. Clever business model, but not a Fit life.

You start with two teams roughly equal in size and designate a score keeper for each team. You get points each day for meals eaten, taking time to sleep at night, drinking water, even starting a good NEW habit and stopping an old BAD habit, and no those habits don't have to be health related. My bad habit I'm trying to break is being sarcastic.

What really intrigued me was the communication point. Yup communication with the players on the team. You get points for communicating with the opposite team. What a cool concept. Now I have built in support from everyone on my team...and a bit of built in trash talk with the other team.

In addition to getting points you get penalized for certain bad behavior. For example you get a penalty for snacking. You're allowed to step on the scale once a day, every time after that, penalty. (remember weight isn't the goal here...but it will just happen.

Each week you submit your scores to your scorekeeper, your teams scores are averaged and the team with the most points over 6 weeks wins.

Pretty simple really but so much fun. I'm excited to kick the other teams trash...

We started the game with my family. I set up the teams and took the liberty of naming the teams. We're playing boys vs girls. I named the guys team "The A-Team. The girls...I named, "Team Edward." All of the women on the team HATE

Twilight. I'll make sure I keep everyone updated...I sent the following text message to a member of Team Edward...

"Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Team Edward Will lose
And the A team is so Awesome that this line doesn't even have to come close to rhyming...

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