Friday, November 26, 2010

Megamind Review "Where did you park the invisible car...? "

Two Thumbs Up!
This afternoon we went to go see Megamind.  I wasn't overly excited to go see this movie.  I have come to believe that the studios feel that if they take any movie, no matter how generate it, and distribute it in automatically will be a hit.  So what I've found is that movie makers have taken crap ideas, computer generated them and most recently, added poor quality 3D.  In the end all you have is computer generated, kinda 3D crap.  This is what I was expecting when I saw Megamind, I must say I was pleasantly surprised.
The quality of the Animation was good.  I don't think it was anything revolutionary...but it was well done.  For me most importantly it didn't distract from the story.
Will Ferrel, Tina Fey, and Jonah Hill do a great job as the voices of the main characters.  You can hear the classic Will Ferrel voice through the character.  
I think the part I liked the most was the subtle use of Superhero cliches through out the movie.  The hidden sanctuary/secret lair.  In fact it was fun to see how many I could find.  Again there were worked into the plot, quite well.
I didn't have to worry about my kids watching the movie.  There was no humor that made me cringe at the thought of my kids repeating it.  This was a big relief to me as I'm sure that I'll end up with this DVD, and I'm sure my kids will watch it over and over and over.  
Overall it was a fun movie.  It made for a great afternoon flick!
4 stars out of 5

Wild Idea?

So I'm always looking for projects to do with Carsen... He has this incredible desire to build stuff...We've built rockets that broke the sound barrier, a chicken coop, and wood boats.  I've worked with some wood in the garage, mainly work on the lathe, but I think I've found a project for us to work on.  Over the winter....I think we'll build...a Trebuchet.  I'm thinking one that can hurl pool balls...we'll see...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bailey The Nutcracking Dog

This Thanksgiving, we discovered that my dog Bailey, loves to eat nuts... What's more impressive is that she's discovered how to locate, shell and THEN enjoy the nuts...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I believe

I believe that if you leave it up to a truly free and open market, the best outcomes will eventually rise to the top.
I believe that the private sector can ALWAYS do it better than public sector.
I believe in the Constitution of the United States of America
I believe in justice. I don’t care how rich, how poor, what your childhood was like, or where you grew up. I don’t care if you feel that too many or too few of your “special group” are being oppressed or punished for a crime. If you break the law justice should be blind, Murder is Murder, Speeding is Speeding, Rape is Rape.
I believe in the right to worship God how, when and where I want.
I believe in the Freedom OF Religion not Freedom FROM Religion.
I believe it is my right and the right of every American to believe how they want politically, spiritually, and personally.
I believe in the pursuit of happiness, but not necessarily the guarantee of it.
I believe all Americans have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, but your rights end, when they begin to infringe on mine.
I believe the government works for me, and not the other way around.
I believe that you should vote for the person, not for the party. I do not believe that my representatives should separate themselves by party, nor should my President be the “head” of his party. I believe that Political parties cause more of a hindrance as politicians tend to serve their party more than their country or constituents.
I believe I have received my money I make is an exchange for my time, effort, energy, thought and my ability, all of which are sacred to me. I pay taxes with this money and it is the government’s responsibility to treat and spend this money as something sacred.
I believe it is the responsibility of the individual to take care of themselves, but society should step in and help those who have no ability to help themselves (mentally disabled, children etc).
I believe that we were given this Earth as a gift and we should take care of it. We also should be wise stewards of its resources.
I believe that as a nation our priorities should be in the following order, SELF, FAMILY, NEIGHBORHOOD, COMMUNITY, STATE, COUNTRY, WORLD.
I believe America’s values, ideals, and dreams are all good, in fact America is good. 

Ciclismo - Cycling crash

For some reason...this video got me excited for next years cycling season...

A New Beginning

I've tried this several times before.  This isn't my first blog...There was Error and Anger, a conservative political blog, ready to take on political party hacks from both sides of the aisle.  There is Our Haitian Heroes  a website for my non profit there to help the people of Haiti.  Then there was that died quickly...
Other than Our Haitian Heroes, I had all but given up blogging.  I mean I really didn't have the time to research, interview and write about the pertinent political issues of the day.  I really only have enough time to educate myself and those around me.  I'm really not the "pop culture" blogger I tried to be with Brainbomb... But my Dad and I were talking the other day.  He reminded me of a time when I enjoyed writing...and reminded me that if I actually try...I'm good at it.  So...I thought I'd keep a blog about...well me...what I'm doing and what I'm thinking.  This blog isn't meant to change the's not meant to reveal some great political or pop culture this blog is for me.